Fonticulus Fides

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Please pray for the McFarlanes!

Elena over at My Domestic Church has this notice up and a link to this piece at the blog, Through the Narrow Gate. Narrow Gate's blogmistress, Amanda, has several interesting links and calls-to-action, so please go read it. (And thanks, Elena, for bringing it to my attention.)

Also, you may want to go read this August 23 press release about Bai's efforts to legally stop the divorce proceedings. And if you didn't read the article "Divorce, American Style" when it was printed last March, it's still on line.

In our own family, my brother-in-law had his final court date regarding his own divorce last week Tuesday. Now the lawyers will tie up some loose ends, and the marriage will be legally over. My 4-year-old niece is a mess. My brother-in-law is "moving on." I'm still bewildered about the whole thing, but helpless to do anything other than pray and help my brother-in-law out as he needs it.



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